Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle

Among thousands of colors and shades, soft hills, velvety valleys and thick woods

The Brolio Castle belongs to the Ricasoli family since 1141. Over the centuries, it has suffered destruction in numerous battles of which it still bears the signs.

The castle that we can admire today is the result of the reconstruction wanted by Bettino Ricasoli in the nineteenth century, according to the medieval taste of the time. I'm talking about beautiful Italian gardens with characteristic geometric shapes and a large romantic park surrounding the castle.

From there you can also enjoy a breathtaking view of the land of the Ricasoli family, famous wine producers. Bettino Ricasoli, known as the Iron Baron for his firmness and conviction in his ideals, was the first to mix three different grapes in determined quantities for the production of Chianti Classico DOC.

We remember him with pleasure because he traveled a lot bringing to Chianti avant-garde tools and always new knowledge.

According to a local legend, the ghost of Bettino Ricasoli wanders around the castle during full moon nights. Some have seen him walking alone or on horseback followed by hunting dogs. Moreover, it seems that the baron's bed was found undone several times after his death, just as if someone had actually slept there.

3 tips for your visit to Brolio Castle

Choose a guided tour if you also want to visit the interior of the Castle

Take the La Grotta junction and from the bus park take your panoramic photo of the Castle

Visit the Castle in spring or autumn to admire the different shades of foliage of their vineyards

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Lecchi in Chianti

Lecchi in Chianti

Lecchi in Chianti

A suggestive and exciting place

The characteristic village of Lecchi in Chianti is flanked along the main road that goes up to Ama. With its stone houses and a more than dignified church, this place is the ideal place for a break and for a walk among the paths that wind through the vineyards.

The pearl of this place is the Pozze di Lecchi: a natural basin of spring water of great charm The clear water comes from the Mulinaccio stream, which descends into the valley near Lecchi and then flows into the Massellone stream, a tributary of the Arbia river.

The Pozze di Lecchi are located near the oak and turkey oak wood, in a suggestive naturalistic context defined by the willows.

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Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

Its forms are reminiscent of a strange union between the sacred and the military

Of great artistic interest is the parish church of San Polo in Rosso, already mentioned before the year 1000 as property of the Firidolfi family, later Ricasoli. Despite the numerous renovations two-three and fifteenth century, it retains its charm.

The village was transformed into a fortress during the thirteenth century.

The fortified parish church is in Romanesque-Gothic style; it consists of a large church with three naves, incorporated into a large, almost quadrangular, castle construction.

Inside the fortified church are visible medieval frescoes of the Sienese school, an interesting wooden crucifix and liturgical furnishings from various eras. Located on a hill, the castle of San Polo in Rosso is located in the heart of Chianti Classico, surrounded by a landscape renowned for its vineyards, forests and the wealth of priceless art treasures: imposing castles, monasteries and fortified villages.

Why should you visit Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

The original defensive walls and towers can still be seen today

it is the right place to raise the spirit.

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Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Sober, but imposing with the grey/soft colour of the stone

The parish church of San Giusto in Salcio is an ancient Catholic church among the oldest in Chianti and belongs to the diocese of Fiesole.

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Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti

A place known for its evocative atmosphere and its marvelous landscapes

Radda in Chianti is a spectacular medieval village enclosed by massive defensive walls, located on top of the hill that divides the valleys of Arbia and Pesa.

To its typically medieval appearance, characterized by narrow streets and the classic tower buildings of the period, is added the traditional Tuscan charm of the local stone facades.

On the covered terrace of the Town Hall or the Palace of the Podestà, the walls are adorned with the shields of the various Podestas, with a legend to identify the various figures who exercised their power.

In front of the Palazzo del Podestà, the Propositura di San Niccolò stands out on the square with the fountain. Another interesting building is the Grand Duke's icehouse: it was built with the specific purpose of being filled during the winter with snow, so that it formed ice, stored - then - in a cool place so that it could be used throughout the summer.

Turning around the town and following the cobblestone streets and the "medieval walkways", you can breathe an atmosphere with a particularly quiet and evocative taste. Radda is a very active place, which offers many events including wine festivals, historical re-enactments and cultural activities.

Why should you visit Radda in Chianti

castles and fortifications have been converted into villas and homes

there are many craft shops where you can buy original souvenirs

From its location, it is possible to admire the 360-degree panorama thanks to the medieval walkways

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