


A combination of nature and art

Pievasciata is a small village located in the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga, in the province of Siena. The village was born with the foundation of the parish church in the 10th century, dedicated to Santa Maria ad Sciatam or Ischiatam, an appellation probably linked to the type of Ischia oak, and is one of the oldest parish churches in the Chianti area.

The name of the parish church was changed several times over the years, from Canonica di Cerreto de Ciampoli to Pieva Sciata, and then changed to Pieve Asciata to arrive, at an imprecise time, at its current name. In 1575, the invocation to St John the Baptist was already there.

Given its position on the border between Siena and Florence, in 1229 Pievasciata found itself involved in a war between the two Republics, which led to the damage of the Pieve and consequently the fortification of the complex.

The church currently has a single-nave structure with an imposing bell tower that was part of the fortified structures of the complex. However, on the outer wall of the left side, three round arches on unadorned quadrangular pillars are visible, indicating that the church must have had several naves in the past.

For several years now, the small Chianti village and its immediate surroundings have been home to a series of sculptures and contemporary art installations that interpret the surrounding nature.

These works are part of a permanent open-air exhibition whose main focus is in the Chianti Sculpture Park and is the result of the private initiative of two art lovers, Mr and Mrs Giadrossi, who in 2002 invited a series of contemporary and international artists to visit the wood, which previously housed a wild boar herd, and to propose a work that would integrate fully with each element of the wood and enhance the surrounding nature.

Inside the park, visitors can admire 26 installations and sculptures along a circuit of about 1 km that puts them in contact with different cultures and styles; just as varied are the materials used, ranging from bronze to iron, from granite to marble, from glass to neon. The use of different materials gives the visitor an overview of the variety and importance of contemporary art in today's world, while nature, light and the seasons always offer new interpretations to the sculptures, as is typical for environmental art.

There is also an amphitheatre in the park, which offers visitors a wide range of concerts in summer.

3 tips for your visit to Pievasciata

Prepare a snack and enjoy it in the courtyard outside the Pieve

Download the Chianti Park app to combine nature and art with technology

Visit Pievasciata and the Sculpture Park in summer to see its events too

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Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio Sober, but imposing with the grey/soft colour of the stoneThe parish church of San Giusto in Salcio is an ancient Catholic church among the oldest in Chianti and belongs to the diocese of Fiesole.Continue with the...

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti A place known for its evocative atmosphere and its marvelous landscapes Radda in Chianti is a spectacular medieval village enclosed by massive defensive walls, located on top of the hill that divides the valleys of Arbia and Pesa. To its typically...

Castellina in Chianti

Castellina in Chianti

Castellina in Chianti Among woodlands, wildlife and Etruscan civilizationThe picturesque village still maintains the quadrilateral shape typical of the ancient medieval fortifications. The main fortification and the heart of the town is the ancient fortress, designed...

Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga

A journey through time between the Crete Senesi and the Chianti region

Castelnuovo Berardenga is located in the southern area of Chianti Classico, less than 20 km from Siena, with the borders marked by the Ombrone and Arbia rivers.

Its name Berardenga derives from Count Berardo, of the Frankish population, son of the French Count Wuinigi di Ranieri who arrived in Italy in the second half of the 10th century. Wuinigi di Ranieri became governor of Siena, thus obtaining possession of the estates and castles in the area: from the sources of the Bozzone torrent to those of the Ambra, from the upper Chianti to the Biena river, as far as Taverne d'Arbia. It was one of his sons, Berardo, who inherited this fortune and hence the name Berardenga.

Castelnuovo was at the centre of a long and contentious dispute between Florence and Siena because of its strategic position on the borders of Sienese territory. The theatre of conflicts, raids and atrocious battles, the most famous being that of Monteaperti, remembered by Dante with the famous words: "the havoc that the red-coloured Arbia wrought".

With the victory over the Florentine army in 1260, the Sienese Republic obtained the autonomy of the city and decided to strengthen its outpost by building walls on the highest part of the hill. Subsequently, seven towers were built, one of which is the present municipal tower, the only one spared by the demolition of walls and towers at the end of the 18th century and on which a clock was placed. To distinguish it from the older castles in the area, it was called 'new', hence the name Castelnuovo.

It remained under the control of the Republic of Siena until 1555, when the city was defeated by the Grand Duke of the Medici family. Of the original defence system, one can still see the tall tower in Piazza Petrilli, which was converted into a municipal clock tower in 1755.

The demolition of the walls made way for the elegant and imposing Villa Chigi Saracini, with its Italian garden and a 19th-century park of considerable botanical importance. The villa was commissioned by Count Guido Saracini, founder of the famous Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena.

In the historic centre is the impressive Vicolo dell'Arco, with its high stone steps and an arch decorated with beautiful bas-reliefs.

Not far away are the Church of San Giusto and Clemente, built during the 19th century and containing a Madonna and Child by a Sienese artist of the Renaissance period; and the Church of the Madonna del Patrocinio, which houses a 14th-century painted and glazed terracotta Madonna venerated in the ruins of the Castle where Vicolo dell'Arco now stands.

Castelnuovo is called Slow Town because of the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere and the genuinely Tuscan lifestyle.

It has also been named Wine City, a title shared by many of the main Chianti localities that still preserve the original techniques of wine production and conservation.


In Castelnuovo Berardenga, it is possible to visit the Museo del Paesaggio, housed in a late 19th-century building that was once used as a public slaughterhouse. The museum route aims to make people reflect on the transformations of the world, on the changing term "landscape" and, in general, on the delicate relationship between man and the environment, also through the use of mobile and multisensory devices.

The exhibition, which is accessible to different audiences, offers a series of interactive multimedia applications derived from everyday objects that illustrate and accompany the visitor in his or her discovery of the economic and anthropic aspects of the landscape, the history of agrarian landscapes and the Mezzadria, the peasant struggles, the changes in agricultural cultivation methods, livestock breeding and food that have influenced the conformation of the territory and consumption styles.

Why should you visit Castelnuovo Berardenga?

hosts a myriad of castles and villas tucked away in its corners, built in different eras

it is an open-air museum

the all-round view from the Clock Tower is of unparalleled beauty

Continue with the discovery of Chianti...

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio Sober, but imposing with the grey/soft colour of the stoneThe parish church of San Giusto in Salcio is an ancient Catholic church among the oldest in Chianti and belongs to the diocese of Fiesole.Continue with the...

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti A place known for its evocative atmosphere and its marvelous landscapes Radda in Chianti is a spectacular medieval village enclosed by massive defensive walls, located on top of the hill that divides the valleys of Arbia and Pesa. To its typically...

Castellina in Chianti

Castellina in Chianti

Castellina in Chianti Among woodlands, wildlife and Etruscan civilizationThe picturesque village still maintains the quadrilateral shape typical of the ancient medieval fortifications. The main fortification and the heart of the town is the ancient fortress, designed...

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle

Among thousands of colors and shades, soft hills, velvety valleys and thick woods

The Brolio Castle belongs to the Ricasoli family since 1141. Over the centuries, it has suffered destruction in numerous battles of which it still bears the signs.

The castle that we can admire today is the result of the reconstruction wanted by Bettino Ricasoli in the nineteenth century, according to the medieval taste of the time. I'm talking about beautiful Italian gardens with characteristic geometric shapes and a large romantic park surrounding the castle.

From there you can also enjoy a breathtaking view of the land of the Ricasoli family, famous wine producers. Bettino Ricasoli, known as the Iron Baron for his firmness and conviction in his ideals, was the first to mix three different grapes in determined quantities for the production of Chianti Classico DOC.

We remember him with pleasure because he traveled a lot bringing to Chianti avant-garde tools and always new knowledge.

According to a local legend, the ghost of Bettino Ricasoli wanders around the castle during full moon nights. Some have seen him walking alone or on horseback followed by hunting dogs. Moreover, it seems that the baron's bed was found undone several times after his death, just as if someone had actually slept there.

3 tips for your visit to Brolio Castle

Choose a guided tour if you also want to visit the interior of the Castle

Take the La Grotta junction and from the bus park take your panoramic photo of the Castle

Visit the Castle in spring or autumn to admire the different shades of foliage of their vineyards

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Pievasciata A combination of nature and artPievasciata is a small village located in the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga, in the province of Siena. The village was born with the foundation of the parish church in the 10th century, dedicated to Santa Maria ad...

Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga A journey through time between the Crete Senesi and the Chianti regionCastelnuovo Berardenga is located in the southern area of Chianti Classico, less than 20 km from Siena, with the borders marked by the Ombrone and Arbia rivers. Its name...

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle Among thousands of colors and shades, soft hills, velvety valleys and thick woodsThe Brolio Castle belongs to the Ricasoli family since 1141. Over the centuries, it has suffered destruction in numerous battles of which it still bears the signs. The...

Lecchi in Chianti

Lecchi in Chianti

Lecchi in Chianti

A suggestive and exciting place

The characteristic village of Lecchi in Chianti is flanked along the main road that goes up to Ama. With its stone houses and a more than dignified church, this place is the ideal place for a break and for a walk among the paths that wind through the vineyards.

The pearl of this place is the Pozze di Lecchi: a natural basin of spring water of great charm The clear water comes from the Mulinaccio stream, which descends into the valley near Lecchi and then flows into the Massellone stream, a tributary of the Arbia river.

The Pozze di Lecchi are located near the oak and turkey oak wood, in a suggestive naturalistic context defined by the willows.

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Pievasciata A combination of nature and artPievasciata is a small village located in the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga, in the province of Siena. The village was born with the foundation of the parish church in the 10th century, dedicated to Santa Maria ad...

Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga A journey through time between the Crete Senesi and the Chianti regionCastelnuovo Berardenga is located in the southern area of Chianti Classico, less than 20 km from Siena, with the borders marked by the Ombrone and Arbia rivers. Its name...

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle Among thousands of colors and shades, soft hills, velvety valleys and thick woodsThe Brolio Castle belongs to the Ricasoli family since 1141. Over the centuries, it has suffered destruction in numerous battles of which it still bears the signs. The...

Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

Its forms are reminiscent of a strange union between the sacred and the military

Of great artistic interest is the parish church of San Polo in Rosso, already mentioned before the year 1000 as property of the Firidolfi family, later Ricasoli. Despite the numerous renovations two-three and fifteenth century, it retains its charm.

The village was transformed into a fortress during the thirteenth century.

The fortified parish church is in Romanesque-Gothic style; it consists of a large church with three naves, incorporated into a large, almost quadrangular, castle construction.

Inside the fortified church are visible medieval frescoes of the Sienese school, an interesting wooden crucifix and liturgical furnishings from various eras. Located on a hill, the castle of San Polo in Rosso is located in the heart of Chianti Classico, surrounded by a landscape renowned for its vineyards, forests and the wealth of priceless art treasures: imposing castles, monasteries and fortified villages.

Why should you visit Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

The original defensive walls and towers can still be seen today

it is the right place to raise the spirit.

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Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga

Castelnuovo Berardenga A journey through time between the Crete Senesi and the Chianti regionCastelnuovo Berardenga is located in the southern area of Chianti Classico, less than 20 km from Siena, with the borders marked by the Ombrone and Arbia rivers. Its name...

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle

Brolio Castle Among thousands of colors and shades, soft hills, velvety valleys and thick woodsThe Brolio Castle belongs to the Ricasoli family since 1141. Over the centuries, it has suffered destruction in numerous battles of which it still bears the signs. The...

Lecchi in Chianti

Lecchi in Chianti

Lecchi in Chianti A suggestive and exciting placeThe characteristic village of Lecchi in Chianti is flanked along the main road that goes up to Ama. With its stone houses and a more than dignified church, this place is the ideal place for a break and for a walk among...

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Romanesque parish church of San Giusto in Salcio

Sober, but imposing with the grey/soft colour of the stone

The parish church of San Giusto in Salcio is an ancient Catholic church among the oldest in Chianti and belongs to the diocese of Fiesole.

Continue with the discovery of Chianti...

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti A place known for its evocative atmosphere and its marvelous landscapes Radda in Chianti is a spectacular medieval village enclosed by massive defensive walls, located on top of the hill that divides the valleys of Arbia and Pesa. To its typically...

Castellina in Chianti

Castellina in Chianti

Castellina in Chianti Among woodlands, wildlife and Etruscan civilizationThe picturesque village still maintains the quadrilateral shape typical of the ancient medieval fortifications. The main fortification and the heart of the town is the ancient fortress, designed...

Panzano in Chianti

Panzano in Chianti

Panzano in Chianti Living in another eraThe Via Chiantigiana is one of the most seductive streets of Chianti Classico. It winds through rolling hills, villages, castles and wineries where you can taste the famous DOC wine. Panzano in Chianti is a quiet holiday resort...