Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

Its forms are reminiscent of a strange union between the sacred and the military

Of great artistic interest is the parish church of San Polo in Rosso, already mentioned before the year 1000 as property of the Firidolfi family, later Ricasoli. Despite the numerous renovations two-three and fifteenth century, it retains its charm.

The village was transformed into a fortress during the thirteenth century.

The fortified parish church is in Romanesque-Gothic style; it consists of a large church with three naves, incorporated into a large, almost quadrangular, castle construction.

Inside the fortified church are visible medieval frescoes of the Sienese school, an interesting wooden crucifix and liturgical furnishings from various eras. Located on a hill, the castle of San Polo in Rosso is located in the heart of Chianti Classico, surrounded by a landscape renowned for its vineyards, forests and the wealth of priceless art treasures: imposing castles, monasteries and fortified villages.

Why should you visit Parish Church of San Polo in Rosso

The original defensive walls and towers can still be seen today

it is the right place to raise the spirit.

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